Monday reading

The House of the Scorpion - Nancy Farmer

If I could put myself in the book, I would be the kid who has to stay in is house. I would want to be that kid because he could never leave his house.  He doesn't know that much about life.

I would also like to be him because he has a friend named Maria who takes care of him. She tells him about Mexican folktales. Lastly, I would want to be him because he is scared to talk to people and he doesn't have much friends. 

Reading Mondays

That Was Then, This is Now - S.E. Hinton

The character Byron, would reminds me of Daniel how he got in trouble  last time with the cops like the main character did.


That Was Then, This is Now - S.E. Hinton

This book is good because this kid is sixteen years old and he could smoke and go into bars. Its pretty interesting  because he was at the hospital when he saw this girl that he remembered that he dated!!!!

Currently reading

Reaching Out by Francisco Jiménez
The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer
Progress: 36/380pages
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton